Day 35
Not So Long Ago and Not So Far Away
In admiration and honour of Solly Irving for his Emunah and his commitment to Holocaust education, from
his grandchildren and great-grandchildren.
In admiration and honour of Solly Irving for his Emunah and his commitment to Holocaust education, from
his grandchildren and great-grandchildren.
September 24 -26, 1941- SS-Wehrmacht seminar.
On 24–26 September 1941 in Mogilev a joint SS-Wehrmacht seminar was held on how best to kill Jews. The seminar ended with the 7th Company of Police Battalion 322 shooting 32 Jews at a village called Knjashizy before the assembled officers, as an example of how to “screen” the population for partisans.
As the war diary of the Battalion 322 read:
‘The action, first scheduled as a training exercise, was carried out under real-life conditions (ernstfallmässig) in the village itself. Strangers, especially partisans could not be found. The screening of the population, however resulted in 13 Jews, 27 Jewish women and 11 Jewish children, of which 13 Jews and 19 Jewish women were shot in co-operation with the Security Service’
Rabbi Hanoch Teller gives us a tour of yad vashem.