Day 23
Jewish Eternity
This essay is dedicated in memory of Rosa Meth who rebuilt despite losing her family in the Shoah . Remembered by her daughter, grandchildren and great-grandchildren.
Rabbi Shraga Feivel Zimmerman
Rabbi Shraga Feivel Halevy Zimmerman is the Chief Rabbi or av beis din of the Jewish community in Gateshead, United Kingdom. He took up his appointment in 2008, in succession to Rabbi Bezalel Rakow, who died in 2003. He served previously as rabbi to a community in Monsey, USA.
Rabbi Zimmerman is an alumnus of the Mirrer yeshiva and a close disciple of Rabbi Meshulam Dovid Soloveitchik. He has previously been a dayan in K’hal Adath Jeshurun, the Haredi community of Washington Heights, Manhattan,[2] and served as the rabbi of its Monsey community. He is a grandson of Rabbi Yosef Yonah Tsvi Horowitz, rabbi of Unsdorf and Frankfurt and in Letchworth during the war years.